
“Every great institution is the lengthened shadow of a single man.

His character determines the character of the organization.

Ralph Waldo Emerson -American philosopher, essayist, and poet

(Every organization reflects its leader.

God doesn’t look for masses, or even the committees.

When he wants to do something—he looks for a leader.)

“The most effective leadership is by example, not edit.”

(Nearly 90% of how people learn is visual. It’s what they see.

Another 9% of our learning is verbal, or what they hear.

About 1% is through our other senses.

This alone explains why effective leadership is more caught than taught.

People need to see a sermon, more than hear it, to really embrace it.

A leader’s credibility and his right to be followed are based on his life, as much as his lip.)

“The test of leadership: Turn around and see if anyone is following you.”

(This is the acid test of leadership. If you want to evaluate your own leadership, look at the people following you. Is anyone following?

What kind of people do you attract? Does your vision compel people to follow?

Are they committed to your vision?

This is a simple series of questions every leader should ask himself.)

“If a leader demonstrates competency, genuine concern for others, and admirable character, people will follow.”

(What are the basic components that followers look for in a leader?

Are they competent?

Do they really care for people?

Do they possess strong character?

Everything else is icing on the cake.

Followers can endure a wide spectrum of differences in their leaders but these three elements are non-negotiable.)

“There is no security on this earth-only Opportunity exists”

John Maxwell – Famous Leader and Pastor

(The world we live in does not offer any lasting security. It can’t. What it does offer is trials, challenges, and a whole lot of opportunity.)


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