Quotes from Book

Ten hard-hitting things I learned about human nature that everyone should know.

These are my learnings from the first chapter of the book “The Laws of Human Nature” by Robert Greene.

Judging Others:
If we pay attention to people’s behavior, we rush to fit their actions into categories and hurry to conclusions, so we settle for judgment that suits our preconceptions.

Self Perception:
Like everyone, you think you are rational, but you are not.

The first step towards becoming rational is to understand our fundamental irrationality.

Animals feel fear for a brief time, and then they forget. We as humans are conditioned to dwell in our worries, intensifying them way beyond the point of danger, leading to anxiety

Seeing what we seek:
We manage to find evidence that confirms what we want to believe (Confirmation Bias)

Real Personality:
Stress or tension is when people reveal their most authentic selves

Accepting people as Facts:
Interaction with people is the major source of emotional turmoil. It arises because we are constantly judging people, wishing they were something that they are not. was want to change them, we want them to think and act in a certain way, most often our way.

There is always a Reason:
Each person, no matter how twisted, has a reason for what they have become, a logic that makes sense to them. In their own way, they are striving for fulfillment.

Hard Wiring:
Our relationship with our parents has a much greater impact on us than we ever imagine.

Our natural response is to blame the circumstances, blame others or blame our momentary loss of judgment. This is called the blame bias because it is painful to look at our mistakes.

Every time I read a book, I get reminded that I know so little 😊