“How to get lucky?

“How to get lucky?

1)The first kind of luck is blind luck where one gets lucky because something completely out of the control has happened.

2)Luck through hard work, persistence, hustle, and motion. One is just generating enough force for luck to find you.

3)Third kind is when becomes very good at spotting luck. If one is very skillful in a field, one will notice when a lucky break happens in the field.

4)Last kind is the weirdest, the hardest kind where one builds a unique character, unique brand, a unique mindset which causes luck to find you.”

Naval Ravikanth-Famous Investor.

There have been various instances in my life wherein I have experienced Luck due to point no 1 wherein have been beneficiary of blind luck sometimes, though have been beneficiary of luck mainly due to hard work and due to being reasonably skillful in SCM and Personal Finance areas.

But I was overjoyed when I experienced luck as stated in point no 4 wherein during Covid a unique opportunity got attracted to me wherein we were able to achieve our margin target even with hardly any topline.