Motivational Quote

“Vision is the art of seeing things invisible”

Jonathan Swift- Famous Author and Poet

(One of my favorite stories of possessing vision is about Walt Disney.

Because Walt had passed away before the grand opening of Walt Disney World, Mrs. Disney was asked to appear on stage at the opening ceremony.

When she was introduced to come to the podium and greet the crowd, the master of ceremonies said to her, “Mrs. Disney-I just wish Walt could have seen this!”

Mrs. Disney simply responded “He Did!”)

“A great man is always willing to be little.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

(Great people have little use for fame or notoriety. They are consumed with productivity, not image.

They do not feel the need to project their self-worth to anyone.

They are content when the moment calls for them to be little, ordinary, or common – as long as the goal is achieved.)

“Nationally, nine out of 10 businesses fail in first 5 years. Of one that is remaining, nine out of 10 fails in next 5 years. In other words, 99 out of 100 businesses ultimately disappear in 10 years.”

“The Reason most fail in first 5 years is due to inexperience and lack of capital.

The reason on survivor fails in next 5 years is due to lack of energy/discipline.”

Robert Kiyosaki- Book “Cashflow Quadrant’

‘Dreams are the touchstones pf our character’

Henry David Thoreau- Poet and Philosopher

(All across the world one question leader enjoy asking people is – “what is your dream?”

One can tell a lot about a man’s character by the substance and size of his dreams.

They speak volumes about his motives, priorities, values, purposes and goals.)

“Some People change jobs, mates but never think of changing themselves.”

(We live in a generation consumed with changing exteriors. We have bought into the notion that if we just can change the people, circumstance and environment around us, we can solve our problems.

Most of the time however issue lies within us.

God does not hold us responsible for what happens to us but for what happens in us.)

“If you see a snake, just kill it. Don’t appoint a committee on snakes”

Ross Perot- Businessman and politician

(So much red tape exists in many organizations.

One agrees with Ross Perot when it comes to the ‘snakes’ in organizational life.

If we know “what the bottom line” is then we can clear any obstacles that prevents the goal.

Often, we don’t need any further research or discussion. We simply hid behind it.

Look for ways to radically solve problems.

Activity does not always equal accomplishment.)


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