Financial Game Plan for Kid’s Future

Financial Game Plan for Kid’s Future

We as Parents always are joyful and excited when there is a new kid born in the family.

We feel that our universe is compete. Also, suddenly there is weight of responsibility on our shoulders.

We would like to have our kid to enjoy ‘best facilities in this world’; ‘get best education in this world’ and ‘let the kid grow up to be best person he can be ever ‘

The biggest important point one can do is to give the kid – your 100% attention when the kid would like to be around you and playing around you.

Apart from 100% attention to kid –one also needs to look at how one can provide finance towards his/her needs till he/she is on their own in this world.

Hence there needs to be a simple financial Game Plan for Kid’s future.

The document detailed herewith may not be perfect or even 50% accurate but it’s an attempt to get the parents to think and plan about kid’s future the moment Kid is arrived in this world.

I am sure the message is delivered across current/prospective parents.


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