Motivational Quotes

“The Moment you stopped learning; you stop leading”.

Rick Warren –American Author

(Leaders are learners. Once a person feels they have a firm grasp on all the answers, they have quit being teachable and will soon cease from leading.

Their thoughts and methods will become dated and eventually stale.

Good leaders are hungry for learning, all the way to the grave.)

“A Person who is successful has simply formed the habit of doing things that unsuccessful people will not do.”

(Whatever business field you may have chosen, success will follow you if you will consistently do the things and provide the services that others refuse to do and fail to provide,

This makes for outstanding leadership and creates a demand for you and what you do.)

“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do”

Henry Ford

(Our Reputation is obviously constructed from our track record, not our intentions.

It takes more than knowing right principles or right intention or right plans to build a profitable business.

Success is about what we have produced, not what we have planned.)

“You can not push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb a little.”

Andrew Carnegie – Famous Businessman

(No one can succeed for you. Success isn’t a gift to be given away.

There have been time Leaders tried to ‘jump start’ careers of someone, but unless the person was ready, he could never succeed.)

“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”


(Success is not an event. It is an ongoing process we engage in, time and time again.

Anyone can succeed once or twice; and anyone can fail or lose a battle or two along the way.

What we must focus on is the habit of excellence; practicing success, repeatedly, day after day.)

“A man who wants to lead an orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.”

John Maxwell –Famous leader

(If a man wants to lead an orchestra, he must first make a solitary decision.

He can not drift along with the crowd, nor can he pay attention to the crowd’s response to his leading.

He must remain focused and be willing to stand alone.

He must give himself to the few who are cooperating with him, not the masses who are looking on.

Finally, even if he yearns for crowd’s applause, that cannot be his goal.

His goal must be to lead his orchestra with excellence.

The applause is a bye-product.)

“it’s ok to lend a helping hand –the challenge is getting people to let go of it.”

(When something is freely offered, for long enough, it is human nature to become dependent upon it.

This is the reason behind the cry for welfare reforms in the country.

People get comfortable with the helping hand and soon believe they can’t live without it.

Good leadership empowers people by providing the resources they need to get started, but the goal is to teach them how to be resourceful themselves.)

An Important question for leaders:

“Am I building people, or building my dream and using people to do it?”

John Maxwell – Famous leader and pastor

(Our mentor taught us one important thing – He said – ‘Our goal isn’t to build a big organization but to build people.’

If we invest in people and develop them into mission-driven disciples, we will see our dream for the organization accomplished.

People quickly ascertain whether we are building them or using them.)

“You are as young
as your faith,
as old as your doubt,
as young as your
as old as your fear,
as young as your hope,
as old as your despair.”

“Learn to say “NO” to the “GOOD” so you can say “YES” to the “BEST”.

(This is the battleground where most of the people fight most often.

One can easily distinguish between “GOOD” and the ‘BAD”; but need help to choose between “GOOD’ and the “BEST’.

One needs to first have the criteria to choose between “GOOD’ and the “BEST’

And then self-discipline to say no to the “GOOD” so that one can say yes to the “BEST”)

“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.”

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Gratitude unlocks
the fullness of life.

It turns what we
have into enough,
and more.

It turns denial
into acceptance,
chaos to order,
confusion to clarity.

It can turn a meal
into a feast,
a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend.

Gratitude makes
sense of our past,
brings peace for
today, and creates
a vision for tomorrow.”

Melodie Beattie

“No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it.”

(Leadership, by definition, cannot be a one man show. If the leader does not possess the humility and desire to enable one to praise others and give them credit for their success, leader will be severely handicapped as a leader. If his ego is so big that he insists on the applause, attention and affirmation only to himself., then potential partners will leave him alone and he will end up what only one person can accomplish.)

Andrew Carnegie- Famous Industrialist

“It is our attitude
at the beginning of
a difficult task which,
more than anything else,
will affect its
successful outcome.”

William James-Philosopher and psychologist


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