Goal Setting

GOAL Setting

What do you mean by GOAL setting? In general, setting GOALS helps you view where you want to go.

It can be summed up as working to achieve the desired outcome in professional terms. But it all starts with planning about where you are at the beginning.

In other words, you can summarize GOAL setting as a “Mind Map” or a vision board that helps you view your path forward and create more professional GOALS. 

Why GOAL Setting is Important?

  • GOALS give you a reason
  • Achievable GOALS keep you focused
  • SMART GOALS keep you interested

(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based)

  • GOALS empower collaborative efforts
  • GOALS with focus will lead you to a granular action plan routine.
  • GOALS with focus will lead you to periodical reviews

If ‘GOAL Setting’ leads to benefits both in personal /professional life for individuals/organizations then

Why one resists from setting a GOAL?

There are many reasons. Just listing a few hereunder

  • Lack of belief and skepticism
  • Previous disappointments
  • Fear
  • Laziness
  • Comfort Zone

What are some of the examples of GOALS?

  • To achieve XYZ Rs Gross Margin for FY 22-23
  • To Plan for Rs 12.5 Lacs (in current value) towards MBA education of son in 2030.

There are various books on GOAL setting and achieving. My Favorite is

Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals

By Michael Hyatt
Steps to Achieve G


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